Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dell Laptop Fails to Excite With Wireless Charger!!

Dell claims that the Latitude Z is the first laptop with wireless docking and an inductive wireless charger, which uses a pair of coils--one in the laptop and another in a special charging stand--to generate an electromagnetic field. But maybe the technology was untouched by Dell's rivals for good reason.
For starters, the stand is huge. From press photos, it appears to be a large plate connected to an even larger stand, containing a base surface and an equally huge raised platform. You'll need a nice desk to support this lavish set-up--laptop, in the literal sense, this is not--and you won't want to take it with you.
Also, the charger itself is no more effective than a standard AC plug. Steve Belt, Dell's vice president of business client engineering,
told IDG that the wireless charger takes the same amount of time to juice a laptop as an AC connection.
For these privileges, you'll pay an extra $200 on top of the Latitude Z's base $2,000 price tag. For that money, I'd rather buy one or two more power cords, and plant them in the places where I use my laptop most.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking the Latitude Z as a whole. The notebook boasts a few features that like to see in more laptops. Among them is the instant-on feature that lets you check e-mail and browse the Web during start-up (HP has
beaten Dell to the punch here). There's also an optional wireless docking station that lets you connect TVs and USB devices while moving around freely with the laptop itself. Unlike the charger, the docking station seems worth the extra $200, especially if you plan to watch Web video through your television.
Dell may be the world's first computer maker to pair wireless docking with an inductive laptop charger, but I won't shed a tear if it's also the last.

Comment: For myself, i did use a DELL laptop, but so far i never think that is necessary to have a wireless charger because DELL laptop design is quite large in size and weight, so if add on with the wireless charger will be quite QIANT in size

Experts say: "Parents need to talk to kids about the internet use"

Grant Gross, IDG News Service
Tuesday, July 07, 2009 11:00 AM PDT

Summer vacation is in full swing in large parts of the Northern Hemisphere, and it's time for parents to talk to their teenagers about staying safe during the extra hours they will spend online, three online safety experts said.
Parents should know what their children are doing online, what social-networking sites they frequent, and whether they use their mobile phones to access the Internet, said representatives of the Safe Internet Alliance, Microsoft and America Online. If teens aren't made aware of the consequences, mobile phones with cameras can lead to "sexting" -- sending sexually explicit photos -- to friends or strangers, the three safety experts said.
Parents should communicate with teens and remind them of the dangers of sharing personal information, posting sexually explicit photos and meeting people offline, said Kim Sanchez, senior audience marketing manager in the Trustworthy Computing group at Microsoft.
"Kids need to think about what they're putting out there for everybody to view before they do it," Sanchez said during a Tuesday press briefing. "They should think before they post a blog post, or put comments on their page, or photos. They need to consider this could be seen by anybody on the Internet, and it may be permanent."
A recent Harris Interactive poll found that one in five teens, ages 13 to 18, have sent nude pictures of themselves through their mobile phones or e-mail accounts, noted Linda Criddle, president of Safe Internet Alliance. Eleven percent of those teens who've sent nude photos have sent them to strangers, according to the poll.
The number of teens saying they've sent sexually explicit photos to strangers was "shocking," Criddle said.
Mobile phones offer teens an opportunity to send pictures spontaneously, and some teens don't think before sending out embarrassing photos, said Holly Hawkins, AOL's director of consumer advocacy and privacy. "It leaves very little time, if any, for having a second thought," she said.
Many mobile-phone carriers offer parental controls, the women said.
The three women urged parents to talk to their children about ethical and safe online behavior. Generally, offering guidance is more effective than trying to control children's online behavior, Sanchez said.
"Parents need to negotiate clear guidelines for their kids' Internet use," she said. "There's really no technological substitute for parental involvement, supervision and guidance."
Parents can use parental controls to monitor or block much online content, Hawkins said. "It's important to realize that, just as in the offline world, parenting online never stops, its a never-ending cycle," she said.
Parents should get online and use the technologies their kids are using, Criddle added. "So many parents seem to be just sort of afraid of jumping in," she said. "They think that somehow they're going to break something. They don't have that same willingness to just jump into a product and try it out that their kids do."

For myself i am agree with this 3 experts say, because as we can imagine that past 10 year, there is no such problem happening around, but once the internet is common use in the social, and those computer crime is growing more and more. For the safety way, parent should understand what does their children often access and doing on the net and try to aware their children that the right way of using the internet and the right purpose.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Analysts SAY: Window 7 Will change everything

Window XP, VISTA now is Window 7...lets see what does this news talk about:

"The new Microsoft Windows 7 operating system due for launch in October, will likely change the personal computer industry forever, according to research house Frost & Sullivan.

Frost & Sullivan APAC VP IT Practice, Martin Gilliland, said that Windows 7 represents a "user-driven upgrade that breaks the link between PC OS and PC Hardware upgrade cycles for the first time in the history of the PC."
"This departure from tradition may force PC vendors and components suppliers, like Intel, to think of new ways to encourage PC buyers to upgrade their hardware," he said.

In a newly-released Asia Pacific Market Insights report, Gilliland said that Windows 7 represented the first update to the PC OS that does not require more hardware resources than the version before. Windows 7 was the first PC OS to come out of Microsoft that does not require more advanced machines to run than prior versions.

"In fact, the official system requirements to run Windows 7 are slightly lower than those required to run Vista," he said. "The CPU and RAM requirements are the same but the hard disk requirements are smaller for Windows 7.

"Windows 7 will drive significant upgrade revenue for Microsoft without any hardware upgrade thus separating Microsoft from the PC vendors in the next PC Upgrade Cycle."

Vendor Consolidation Accelerated
The Frost & Sullivan analyst predicts that, it Microsoft continues to decouple PC OS upgrades from hardware upgrades it will accelerate the PC vendor consolidation process even more leading to a very small number of PC vendors commanding the majority of the PC market share all over the world.

Gilliland said that Intel and Microsoft have had "a very regular cadence of major releases over the past 30 Years" and much of these independent release cycles have been very closely matched.

"While there is no suggestion of any collusion between Microsoft and Intel, it is clear that the two organisations have thrived off one another's innovations for decades. This sort of thing is to be expected in an industry where there are two virtual monopoly shareholders in two key portions of the market -- OS and CPU."

He wrote that: "This change represents a major de-linking of two major players in the PC industry that could have repercussions for users and vendors alike. It won't be known until the next version of Windows is released within the next three years, as per the committed release cadence when Vista was released, if this de-coupling of the OS and hardware upgrade cycles is a one-off adjustment for the problems created by Vista."

Poor Vista Performance
In the report Gilliland said that one of the biggest issues people have had with Vista has been its poor performance.

"Even users that like Vista have complained about how slow their PC's run compared to a Windows XP environment," he said.

"Microsoft went to great pains to advise consumers and businesses about the demands Vista would place on their hardware with the 'Vista Ready' campaign but the reality was that even high-end PCs continued to struggle under the load of Vista.

"Windows 7 aims to fix this problem and it is these fixes that will change the way the PC industry flows for at least the next 1-2 years -- if not forever."

Gilliland argued that, in simple terms, Windows 7 was much more efficient at using the resources available to it than Vista and as such will run much faster than Vista on exactly the same PC.

No Hardware Upgrade Needed
"While most users had to upgrade their existing PC or buy an entirely new PC when they first bought Vista, Windows 7 users will not need to upgrade any hardware whatsoever if they have a Vista Ready PC," he said.

"More importantly, that Vista Ready PC will probably run better and faster than it does today with Vista. It is this paradigm shift that will spark one of the biggest flow-on effects of the release of Windows 7."

My own Comment: What does this analysts say might be true because heard some of the window 7 user said that window 7 does combination between the platform of the window XP and the user interface of the Window about its real capability have to wait i use it i only able to comment on it, so other user who use window 7, please shared your idea here...


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nokia N Series 82

Nokia N Series 82, i am one of the user of this mobile phone from around the world. How does other user comment on this phone i do not clear about, but what can i comment about this phone after using it for few months, it was a mobile phone that really include alot useful function such as Wi-Fi,personal reminder and other that i really need in daily life, but this all function might really have on other mobile phone, but by the way of design and features, N82 really is a relieable phone.

Wi-fi,5 Megapixels Carl Zeiss camera...that really is a cool phone beside on working purpose also can use for entertainment such as music,movie and games

Thursday, September 10, 2009

FootBall FANS!..ever see the Comedy During Football Game?

I just accidentally get a video from my friend that is the funny moment during the football game, that is really funny and i found that, football games does not just a challenging games but as well can be the Comedy for the fans


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Viva La Vida

For ColdPlay FANS should be ver familiar with this song "Viva La Vida"
for myself, i were totally addicted with this song since the first time i have heard it somewhere around the shopping complex.
The content of this song is something related with a empire which is falling the end

My own opinion is really a meaningful and nice song, hope you all enjoy and comment what you feel after listen on this song. You all may download this song through my download area
